

英漢字典: go far

1. travel a long way 運(搬)到很遠

    This car can go far on very little petrol. 這車耗極少量的汽油就可以跑得很遠。

    The news went far. 這消息傳得很遠。

2. last;hold out持續(時間)

    Such zeal does not go far. 這種熱情不會持久。

3. have weight,force,or appllcation有效力

    His pleading went far with the judge. 他的辯護對法官很有影響。

4. be successful;achieve great things;rise to a high position有成績(就);有出息;成功;出名

    He will go far in scientific research. 他在科研上將大有成就。

    The young man is a brilliant scholar;he will go far. 這年輕人是位有才華的學者,他將會有大作為。

    With your dedication to work you are certain to go far. 你一心撲在工作上,定能出成果。

5. extend far in use;buy plenty of goods購買許多東西;派大用處

    Even a reasonable income doesn't go very,far these days,with the prices rising all the time. 物價一直在上漲,即使有中等收入也買不了多少東西。

    A pound note does not go far these days. 一英鎊的鈔票現在不經用了。

    A small amount of money can go far if you are careful. 只要你精打細算,錢少也能派用處。

6. suffice for distribution足夠分配

    Our provisions will not go far. 我們的給養不夠分配。

    One bottle of milk will not go far among all these people. 這麼多人一瓶牛奶不夠分。

7. help greatly大大有助于

    These measures should go far towards solving the problem. 這些措施會大大有助于解決這個問題。

    His constructive suggestion will go far towards enhancing labour productivity and reducing the cost of production. 他的建設性意見將大大地有助于提高勞動生產率和降低生產成本。

    You concession will go far towards reconciliation. 你的讓步將大大有助于和解。

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